Safe Haskell | None |
Language | GHC2021 |
- approximateRowCount :: Ref Table -> SExp_ "bigint"
- first :: SExp_ "value" -> SExp_ "time" -> SExp
- last :: SExp_ "value" -> SExp_ "time" -> SExp
- histogram :: SExp_ "value :: any value" -> SExp_ "min :: numeric" -> SExp_ "max :: numeric" -> SExp_ "nbuckets :: integer" -> SExp
- timeBucket :: SExp_ "bucket_width :: interval" -> SExp_ "ts :: timestamp" -> SExp
- timeBucketInterval :: SExp_ "bucket_width :: interval" -> SExp_ "ts :: timestamp" -> SExp_ "offset :: interval" -> Maybe (SExp_ "origin :: timestamp") -> SExp
- timeBucketInteger :: SExp_ "bucket_width :: interval" -> SExp_ "ts :: timestamp" -> SExp_ "offset :: interval" -> SExp
- hyperloglog :: SExp_ "buckets" -> SExp_ "value" -> SExp_ "hyperloglog"
- rollup :: SExp_ "hyperloglog" -> SExp_ "hyperloglog"
- distinctCount :: SExp_ "hyperloglog" -> SExp_ "bigint"
- stderror :: SExp_ "hyperloglog" -> SExp_ "bigint"
- statsAgg1d :: SExp_ "value" -> SExp_ "StatsSummary1D"
- statsAgg2d :: SExp_ "Y" -> SExp_ "X" -> SExp_ "StatsSummary2D"
- statsRollup :: SExp_ "hyperloglog | StatsSummary1D | StatsSummary2D" -> SExp_ "hyperloglog | StatsSummary1D | StatsSummary2D"
- statsRolling :: SExp_ "StatsSummary1D | StatsSummary2D" -> WOver -> Maybe NullStrategy -> SExp_ "StatsSummary1D | StatsSummary2D"
- statsAverage :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary1D" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- statsAverageY :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary2D" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- statsAverageX :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary2D" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- statsKurtosis :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary1D" -> Maybe (SExp_ "method") -> SExp_ "double precision"
- statsKurtosisY :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary1D" -> Maybe (SExp_ "method") -> SExp_ "double precision"
- statsKurtosisX :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary1D" -> Maybe (SExp_ "method") -> SExp_ "double precision"
- statsNumVals :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary1D | StatsSummary2D" -> SExp_ "bigint"
- statsSkewness :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary2D" -> Maybe (SExp_ "method") -> SExp_ "double precision"
- statsSkewnessY :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary2D" -> Maybe (SExp_ "method") -> SExp_ "double precision"
- statsSkewnessX :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary2D" -> Maybe (SExp_ "method") -> SExp_ "double precision"
- statsStddev :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary1D" -> Maybe (SExp_ "method") -> SExp_ "double precision"
- statsStddevY :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary2D" -> Maybe (SExp_ "method") -> SExp_ "double precision"
- statsStddevX :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary2D" -> Maybe (SExp_ "method") -> SExp_ "double precision"
- statsSlope :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary2D" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- statsSum :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary1D" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- statsSumY :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary2D" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- statsSumX :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary2D" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- statsVariance :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary1D" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- statsVarianceY :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary2D" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- statsVarianceX :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary2D" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- statsXIntercept :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary2D" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- statsIntercept :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary2D" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- statsCorr :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary2D" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- statsCovariance :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary2D" -> Maybe (SExp_ "method") -> SExp_ "double precision"
- statsDeterminationCoeff :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary2D" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- timeBucketGapfill :: SExp_ "bucket_width :: interval | integer" -> SExp_ "time :: timestamp | integer" -> Maybe (SExp_ "start :: timestamp | integer", SExp_ "finish :: timestamp | integer") -> SExp
- locf :: SExp_ "value :: any element" -> Maybe (SExp_ "prev :: expression", Maybe (SExp_ "treat_null_as_missing :: boolean")) -> SExp
- interpolate :: SExp_ "values :: any values" -> Maybe (SExp_ "prev :: expression", SExp_ "next :: expression") -> SExp
- percentileAgg :: SExp_ "value :: double precision" -> SExp_ "uddsketch"
- percentileApproxPercentile :: SExp_ "percentile :: double precision" -> SExp_ "sketch :: uddsketch" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- percentileApproxPercentileRank :: SExp_ "percentile :: double precision" -> SExp_ "sketch :: uddsketch" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- percentileRollup :: SExp_ "sketch :: uddsketch | digest :: tdigest" -> SExp_ "uddsketch | tdigest"
- percentileMaxVal :: SExp_ "digest :: tdigest" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- percentileMinVal :: SExp_ "digest :: tdigest" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- percentileMean :: SExp_ "sketch :: uddsketch | digest :: tdigest" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- percentileError :: SExp_ "sketch :: uddsketch" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- percentileNumVals :: SExp_ "sketch :: uddsketch | digest :: tdigest" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- percentileUddsketch :: SExp_ "size :: integer" -> SExp_ "max_error :: double precision" -> SExp_ "value :: double precision" -> SExp_ "uddsketch"
- percentileTdigest :: SExp_ "buckets :: integer" -> SExp_ "value :: double precision" -> SExp_ "tdigest"
- counterCounterAgg :: SExp_ "ts :: timestampz" -> SExp_ "value :: double precision" -> Maybe (SExp_ "bounds :: tstzrange") -> SExp_ "CounterSummary"
- counterRollup :: SExp_ "cs :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "counter_agg :: CounterSummary"
- counterCorr :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- counterCounterZeroTime :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "timestamptz"
- counterDelta :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- counterExtrapolatedDelta :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "method" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- counterExtrapolatedRate :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "method" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- counterIdeltaLeft :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- counterIdeltaRight :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- counterIntercept :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- counterIrateLeft :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- counterIrateRight :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- counterNumChanges :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "bigint"
- counterNumElements :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "bigint"
- counterNumResets :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "bigint"
- counterRate :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- counterSlope :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- counterTimeDelta :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- counterWithBounds :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "bounds :: tstzrange" -> SExp_ "CounterSummary"
- timeWeight :: SExp_ "method" -> SExp_ "ts :: timestampz" -> SExp_ "value :: double precision" -> SExp_ "TimeWeightSummary"
- timeWeightRollup :: SExp_ "TimeWeightSummary" -> SExp_ "TimeWeightSummary"
- timeWeightAverage :: SExp_ "TimeWeightSummary" -> SExp_ "double precision"
- asapSmooth :: SExp_ "ts :: timestampz" -> SExp_ "value :: double precision" -> SExp_ "resolution :: int" -> SExp_ "NormalizedTimevector"
- lltb :: SExp_ "ts :: timestampz" -> SExp_ "value :: double precision" -> SExp_ "resolution :: int" -> SExp_ "SortedTimevector"
approximateRowCount :: Ref Table -> SExp_ "bigint" #
histogram :: SExp_ "value :: any value" -> SExp_ "min :: numeric" -> SExp_ "max :: numeric" -> SExp_ "nbuckets :: integer" -> SExp #
timeBucket :: SExp_ "bucket_width :: interval" -> SExp_ "ts :: timestamp" -> SExp #
Use time_bucket_interval
or time_bucket_integer
if you need to pass more arguments.
timeBucketInterval :: SExp_ "bucket_width :: interval" -> SExp_ "ts :: timestamp" -> SExp_ "offset :: interval" -> Maybe (SExp_ "origin :: timestamp") -> SExp #
timeBucketInteger :: SExp_ "bucket_width :: interval" -> SExp_ "ts :: timestamp" -> SExp_ "offset :: interval" -> SExp #
Approximate count distincts
hyperloglog :: SExp_ "buckets" -> SExp_ "value" -> SExp_ "hyperloglog" #
distinctCount :: SExp_ "hyperloglog" -> SExp_ "bigint" #
Statistical aggregates
Statistical Aggregates
statsAgg1d :: SExp_ "value" -> SExp_ "StatsSummary1D" #
statsAgg2d :: SExp_ "Y" -> SExp_ "X" -> SExp_ "StatsSummary2D" #
statsRollup :: SExp_ "hyperloglog | StatsSummary1D | StatsSummary2D" -> SExp_ "hyperloglog | StatsSummary1D | StatsSummary2D" #
statsRolling :: SExp_ "StatsSummary1D | StatsSummary2D" -> WOver -> Maybe NullStrategy -> SExp_ "StatsSummary1D | StatsSummary2D" #
Stats Agg 1D/2D Accessors
statsAverage :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary1D" -> SExp_ "double precision" #
statsAverageY :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary2D" -> SExp_ "double precision" #
statsAverageX :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary2D" -> SExp_ "double precision" #
statsKurtosis :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary1D" -> Maybe (SExp_ "method") -> SExp_ "double precision" #
statsKurtosisY :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary1D" -> Maybe (SExp_ "method") -> SExp_ "double precision" #
statsKurtosisX :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary1D" -> Maybe (SExp_ "method") -> SExp_ "double precision" #
statsNumVals :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary1D | StatsSummary2D" -> SExp_ "bigint" #
statsSkewness :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary2D" -> Maybe (SExp_ "method") -> SExp_ "double precision" #
statsSkewnessY :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary2D" -> Maybe (SExp_ "method") -> SExp_ "double precision" #
statsSkewnessX :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary2D" -> Maybe (SExp_ "method") -> SExp_ "double precision" #
statsStddev :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary1D" -> Maybe (SExp_ "method") -> SExp_ "double precision" #
statsStddevY :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary2D" -> Maybe (SExp_ "method") -> SExp_ "double precision" #
statsStddevX :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary2D" -> Maybe (SExp_ "method") -> SExp_ "double precision" #
statsSlope :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary2D" -> SExp_ "double precision" #
statsVariance :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary1D" -> SExp_ "double precision" #
statsVarianceY :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary2D" -> SExp_ "double precision" #
statsVarianceX :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary2D" -> SExp_ "double precision" #
statsXIntercept :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary2D" -> SExp_ "double precision" #
statsIntercept :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary2D" -> SExp_ "double precision" #
statsCovariance :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary2D" -> Maybe (SExp_ "method") -> SExp_ "double precision" #
statsDeterminationCoeff :: SExp_ "summary :: StatsSummary2D" -> SExp_ "double precision" #
Gapfilling and interpolation
timeBucketGapfill :: SExp_ "bucket_width :: interval | integer" -> SExp_ "time :: timestamp | integer" -> Maybe (SExp_ "start :: timestamp | integer", SExp_ "finish :: timestamp | integer") -> SExp #
locf :: SExp_ "value :: any element" -> Maybe (SExp_ "prev :: expression", Maybe (SExp_ "treat_null_as_missing :: boolean")) -> SExp #
interpolate :: SExp_ "values :: any values" -> Maybe (SExp_ "prev :: expression", SExp_ "next :: expression") -> SExp #
Percentile approximation
percentileAgg :: SExp_ "value :: double precision" -> SExp_ "uddsketch" #
percentileApproxPercentile :: SExp_ "percentile :: double precision" -> SExp_ "sketch :: uddsketch" -> SExp_ "double precision" #
percentileApproxPercentileRank :: SExp_ "percentile :: double precision" -> SExp_ "sketch :: uddsketch" -> SExp_ "double precision" #
percentileRollup :: SExp_ "sketch :: uddsketch | digest :: tdigest" -> SExp_ "uddsketch | tdigest" #
percentileMaxVal :: SExp_ "digest :: tdigest" -> SExp_ "double precision" #
percentileMinVal :: SExp_ "digest :: tdigest" -> SExp_ "double precision" #
percentileMean :: SExp_ "sketch :: uddsketch | digest :: tdigest" -> SExp_ "double precision" #
percentileError :: SExp_ "sketch :: uddsketch" -> SExp_ "double precision" #
percentileNumVals :: SExp_ "sketch :: uddsketch | digest :: tdigest" -> SExp_ "double precision" #
percentileUddsketch :: SExp_ "size :: integer" -> SExp_ "max_error :: double precision" -> SExp_ "value :: double precision" -> SExp_ "uddsketch" #
percentileTdigest :: SExp_ "buckets :: integer" -> SExp_ "value :: double precision" -> SExp_ "tdigest" #
Counter aggregation
counterCounterAgg :: SExp_ "ts :: timestampz" -> SExp_ "value :: double precision" -> Maybe (SExp_ "bounds :: tstzrange") -> SExp_ "CounterSummary" #
counterRollup :: SExp_ "cs :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "counter_agg :: CounterSummary" #
counterCorr :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "double precision" #
counterCounterZeroTime :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "timestamptz" #
counterDelta :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "double precision" #
counterExtrapolatedDelta :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "method" -> SExp_ "double precision" #
counterExtrapolatedRate :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "method" -> SExp_ "double precision" #
counterIdeltaLeft :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "double precision" #
counterIdeltaRight :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "double precision" #
counterIntercept :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "double precision" #
counterIrateLeft :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "double precision" #
counterIrateRight :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "double precision" #
counterNumChanges :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "bigint" #
counterNumElements :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "bigint" #
counterNumResets :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "bigint" #
counterRate :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "double precision" #
counterSlope :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "double precision" #
counterTimeDelta :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "double precision" #
counterWithBounds :: SExp_ "summary :: CounterSummary" -> SExp_ "bounds :: tstzrange" -> SExp_ "CounterSummary" #
Time weighted averages
timeWeight :: SExp_ "method" -> SExp_ "ts :: timestampz" -> SExp_ "value :: double precision" -> SExp_ "TimeWeightSummary" #
timeWeightRollup :: SExp_ "TimeWeightSummary" -> SExp_ "TimeWeightSummary" #
timeWeightAverage :: SExp_ "TimeWeightSummary" -> SExp_ "double precision" #