Safe HaskellNone




type CliAction (m :: k -> Type) (a :: k) = forall b. LoadYamlConstraint b => YamlSpec b -> Value -> m a #

loadYaml' :: Monad m => Value -> Maybe Patch -> CliAction m a -> m (Either Text a) #

loadHaskellModules :: forall bk m. MonadIO m => InterpreterInstance -> YamlSpec bk -> m (Either HaskellEvaluationError ()) #

The main entry point interpreting a given YAML spec file as a Spec value ready to run via executeSpec

This function is intended to unroll/interpret as much as possible to get the spec in its final state ready to be actually run.

interpretTable :: forall bk (m :: Type -> Type). (MonadIO m, Typeable bk) => InterpreterInstance -> SpecTableName -> YamlTableSpec bk -> ExceptT HaskellEvaluationError m (SpecProgramArguments, Spec bk ()) #

Main entry point for fully interpreting a given table's entry in the YAML file.